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  • Hair Care as per DOSHA Type

    Hair Care as per DOSHA Type

    Like with the skin, the quality of the hair and scalp also depends partially on the body type and partially on the preponderance of a particular dosha in a person at a given time. So, hair care and scalp care can be done as per the dosha type.

    Routine hair care involves the application of oil, massaging of the scalp, and the use of herbal cleansers.

    oiling for hair growth shiro abhyanga

    Vata Hair

    Vata hair is dry, curly, tangled, and has split ends. The scalp may be dry, itchy, and have dandruff.

    The Vata predominant hair requires more frequent warm sesame oil or sweet almond oil massage. Alternatively, herbal sesame or coconut oil-based preparations can be used. Brush the hair after massage and wrap in towels dipped in warm water. This can be followed by the application of an herbal cleanser either the next day or after 2 hours.

    Pitta Hair

    Pitta predominant hair tends to be oily, with split or clean ends. Premature greying and hair loss is seen predominantly in Pitta Types. The hair is thin and flat. The Pitta scalp tends to be red, and itchy and can be prone to boils eczema, or dermatitis.

    Pitta hair requires gentle massaging with cooling oils like brahmi oil, triphala or amla oil, or coconut oil. This can be followed by an application of a cooling hair pack made from a fresh paste of licorice, hibiscus (flowers and leaves), Brahmi, amla, and henna leaves. Rinse after half an hour with cool water and wrap hair in a clean towel to dry.

    Kapha Hair

    Kapha predominant hair and scalp are lush, full, thick, wavy and slightly oily. The scalp is moist with strong, lustrous hair. The scalp may be prone to dandruff (which is a disorder arising out of vata and Kapha).

    Kapha hair requires vigorous massage with warm oils that stimulate circulation in the scalp. Followed by an appropriate herbal hair cleanser like triphala water hair rinse.

    Triphala Hair Cleanser Recipe

    Soak 2 tablespoons of triphala powder in 1 cup of water overnight. Use as a hair cleanses by rubbing it into the scalp and on the hair filaments. Use twice a week. This will keep the Kapha hair and scalp clean.

    Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before trying the hair care remedies mentioned in this article.



    1 Response

    yogic wellness secrets
    yogic wellness secrets

    November 26, 2020

    Thanks for sharing this article. Loved the Triphala hair cleanse tip. Looking forward to more easy tips on hair care.

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