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  • Stress Levels & Dosha

    Stress Levels & Dosha

    The Ayurveda Experience March 14, 2016

    Vata dosha creates stress by having too many things going at one time. Too many things to keep track of. At the outset, vata dosha likes the variety of having so many things going on. Over time though that will deplete the system.

    Vata dosha when under stress has an overwhelming response of fear, worry, and anxiety. It eventually looks for an escape, they don’t deal with their stresses but rather choose to cut and run.

    Pitta dosha creates stress from a different perspective. Pitta dosha creates stress by keeping its focus on one goal. Mostly it results in a lack of self-care and trading of self-care for a goal.

    When pitta person experiences the stress that can be driven by deadlines or anything being out of their control, their digestive system goes off as well. Pitta’s challenge is that they have too little nutrition coming in but because of their drive, there is a lot of demand on the body. This may result in the generation of too much heat, resulting in liver dysfunction. They also end up burning up excess hormones.

    In the short term, even the pitta will gain weight. This weight gain is driven by stress, and not driven by a lack of proper diet and exercise. So even if you change your diet and exercise, but don’t reduce stress, there will be no change in your weight. All this causes problems in the endocrine system and we are right back to the expression of premenstrual syndrome and other symptoms in the body.

    The overall effect of stress is a disturbance of the mind. The mind becomes disturbed by this hormonal irregularity, and the lack of nourishment, and you may see symptoms of vata pitta or kapha in the workings of the mind and emotions.

    Pitta dosha under stress experiences more anger, they become more critical, they blame others for the creation of their anger, and they are more likely to form a plan and directly confront their anger. It doesn’t remove the heat and intensity but makes them feel like they are in better control.

    Kapha dosha doesn’t tend to be as disturbed by stress as vata or pitta, because they bring out the largest ability to the table. When kapha dosha is under stress, they lay off of going to work.

    And, if some mortgage is due, something that’s going to fuel a kapha to imbalance is a threat to their security. They may respond by actually hunkering down and doing less, they disengage. Kapha simply pulls back and may go to sleep. They may wait or withdraw from the stress until they feel that they can come back with a fresh mind and look at it as new.


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