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  • Celebrating Grandparents Everywhere This National Grandparents Day

    Celebrating Grandparents Everywhere This National Grandparents Day

    The Ayurveda Experience September 10, 2017

    Since 1978, the United States has been celebrating the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. What a wonderful day. To honor your grandparents for their wisdom, overflowing love and guidance, Grandparents Day is a day to celebrate yourself, your grandparents and your grandkids.

    Being a grandparent is a wonderful experience. If you’re a grandparent, you already know. To be able to enjoy and take care of the grandkids, have fun with them and spoil them all you want, while not having the same burden of responsibility that you had with your own kids, gives grandparents a new freedom.

    How wonderful it is, the joy that grandkids bring, their innocence and smarts!

    There’s so much fun and enjoyment in being a grandparent, and little stress! Playing games and spending time with the grandkids on day trips, outings, babysitting and overnight adventures, grandparents form a unique bond that moves beyond mother and father roles, into wise mentor, knowledgable guide and loving friend.

    Rites Of Passage

    The transition from mother or father into grandparent marks an important step in one’s life. Ayurveda recognizes the importance of transitional changes throughout life, and supports people in all aspects of their journey with diet, lifestyle, herbal support and body therapies.

    Elders enter into the Vata time of life and must take care to ensure their doshas or basic principles remain balanced. They can enjoy Vata pacifying self-massage, massaging the grand babies, time for meditation and gentleness.

    In India it is customary for joint families to cohabit, providing support and sharing love, resources and wisdom. Whether you’re near or far from your grandparents and grandkids, take time today to remember those special times.

    Celebrate grandparents everywhere this National Grandparents Day!

    Grandparents are your most loving elders, the wise ones you can go to with any life experience you encounter. They are devoted pillars of the family, rooted in strength and solidarity. Providers of love, delicious food and endless hugs, grandparents enjoy sharing their hobbies and passing on their skills, wisdom and insight.

    Gran-Baskets For Grandparents

    Celebrate yourself, your grandkids and your grandparents today with a Gran-Basket! This basket is full of soothing and hydrating skincare products, perfect for aging skin.

    What’s in a Gran-Basket?
    1. Rasasara Youth Cream
    2. Honey Licorice Hydrating Mask
    3. Mahayogi Muscle Balm
    4. Heaven and Earth Joint Balm
    5. Coffee + Cream Lip Butter

    Check out the basket here!
    $80.00 $64.80

    Share Your Memories In The Comments Below

    What are your favorite memories of grandma and grandpa? Do you have a special story of when your mother became a Granny? Or a memory from the day you became Nonna? Or perhaps your grandparents have had a big impact on your life.

    Share your story with us in the comments below!


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